
Tuesday 6 June 2023

Abstract Photography.

Hello World. 

It has been such a long time since I posted, I'm sorry about that. I seem to have lost my way for a while. I think that's all I wish to say about  it. However, here I am again and buzzing with new ideas for this AND the next post.

There is a brief introduction about Abstract Photography below, (from Wikipedia) Should anyone want to read more about the subject, the link below is to Wikipedia's page about it. I've tested it and it worked. If it doesn't work for you, just copy and paste it into your browser.

"Abstract photography, sometimes called non-objective, experimental or conceptual photography, is a means of depicting a visual image that does not have an immediate association with the object world and that has been created through the use of photographic equipment, processes or materials. An abstract photograph may isolate a fragment of a natural scene in order to remove its inherent context from the viewer, it may be purposely staged to create a seemingly unreal appearance from real objects, or it may involve the use of color, light, shadow, texture, shape and /or form to convey a feeling, sensation or impression. The image may be produced using traditional photographic equipment like a camera, darkroom or computer, or it may be created without using a camera by directly manipulating film, paper or other photographic media, including digital presentations."

My works below, variously fulfill all the criteria as stated above. As the concept of "abstract" in art and photography, inherently implies non objective images. I decided to to make no comments about the work, just add titles to them. To talk about, or describe them defeats the whole idea of non objectivity. You are all invited to make your own minds up as to what the images may be. I will just add, that these images are in alphabetical order. That way, even I had no choice in placing favorites in certain places, or grouping them in colour order. 

So here we go, stepping into the realms of the imagination. Have fun.

Astral Garden

Captive Orb


Dada Caterpillar


Dappled Blue


Found in a Field

Graphic Grey



Living Light

Memories of Thailand

On The Beach

Orange Flash

Sleepy Afternoon

Rare Arran Haggis

Red To Yellow


Reproductive Organs

Rosy Glow

Starry Night

The Thing From Beyond

You Never Said

I shall make an effort to put the next post up in good time.

Be kind to each other.